I can’t believe it’s been a week since I blogged. So much for my email reminder system – I found it all to easy to ignore over the last crazy week. Lots of coaching and lessons, lots of training. I did get in 10,000 last Thursday, and it didn’t feel too bad. I’m tired most of the time now and I haven’t been sleeping great – looking forward to 3 days off from coaching and hoping to recover a bit.
I’ll be visiting my brother for the 4th – plans to make sure I get in my long Thursday swim are in phases of development. Saturday will be easy though – I can go to his master’s practice. I am definitely realizing that training for the Channel will be logistically challenging, perhaps more than anything else.
I’m really happy being at the pool so much. Even on the days I’ve been the most tired, it really picks me up to coach practices and give lessons. There’s really nothing else I love to do this much. And I made my goal of more than half of E’s salary this month – now I’ve just got to figure out how to sustain it.