Thursday 19 November
OK, I’m returning to sanity after my crazy few weeks. The return always takes longer than I think it will. But it has been greatly aided by 3 nights of decent sleep in a row, which I had not gotten for several weeks before.
I got to swim yesterday – I did a broken mile for the main set (11, 10, 9, 8,…) with 10 seconds rest and easily held under 1:20 pace – yay.
I finally feel like I *might* be getting better at the Katie Hoff dryland… but I’m still being very careful not to overdo it, just because it puts me out of commission for days when I do.
What have I learned? Jumping is not my strength. Gravity is not my bag, baby.
Headed to the beach on Saturday and considering pairing it with a lake swim on Sunday… cause that’s the kind of nuts I am.
I just got a call about a Contact Tracer position (from an application from 6 months ago) – we’ll see if it goes anywhere.
I feel like I had lots of things to say… but I seem to have forgotten them all. I had a great swim of the loop on Saturday – I’m finally feeling back(ish) to my old self. I continue to get enough time in the pool that I haven’t assembled the garage pool yet. And I’ll see if I can swim tethered in the diving well before I commit to a garage pool during the coldest months of the year.
I got a callback about the contact tracer position… and we’ll see if THAT goes anywhere.
I may have finally found my tattoo – on my arm “TURN ON YOUR F*ING GARMIN BEFORE YOUR FINGER OR WATCH IS WET!!!”