Annual checkup. I am medically cleared for Channel swimming, and he is happy to prescribe birth control next October to help me skip my periods in summer 2021. I’ll try it out when he prescribes it so that I can get anything I need adjusted before we leave in January. Note: ask him for any other prescriptions I might need (looking at you, jellyfish stings, sea lice, and other unpleasant things my skin overreacts to.)
He also suggested drinking sports drinks to keep more of the fluid I drink in my veins so I don’t get the pee-bloating I’ve been experiencing. He also radically suggested that I use the bathroom when I need to pee. But sometimes I’ve got lessons back to back to back. And they frown on me peeing in the pool.
I also got my flu shot, which put a big damper on that afternoon’s mostly backstroke (finally!) workout. Bummer that I had to put on fins and baby my shoulder, but I’m still relaxing after Charleston, and there will be other backstroke workouts.